how to accept my boyfriend will talk to girls in discord servers.
he’s pretty active in a gaming community with his friends. one of his friends has a lot of girl friends and invites him to servers and vcs where there’s usually a lot girls he knows bc of him. he doesn’t invite me bc my friends are not his friends so it would be weird it’s just their friend group. also i have been in servers where he’s been before and i actively see him respond and talk to girls. he’s not being weird, he’s simply talking to them as friends but i hate it so much for so many reasons. 1. some of them are really odd especially that community, 2. they always turn into HIS girl friends which bugs me even more bc i know they start to dm each other and call in the server with his friend. he will not invite me to the server bc i always throw fits when i see him talking to girls asking him who’s she and who’s she and i know he just wants to talk freely. i also become super petty and cold… idk what to do it really eats me alive and i get paranoid seeing him on a game bc all i could think about is if he met a girl and they’re on the game together. as little as it sounds this feeling is really exhausting and tiring i hate monitoring him and asking him to see his dms or who he plays with it’s just tiring. i hate it so much and i wanna end it all bc i’m tired