Being fat is torture

I hate being fat. I hate it more than i've ever truly hated anything before. It is one of the worst experiences i have ever been through and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It is not even just the hating how you look part, it is how others perceive you.

I don't just feel fat, I feel inhuman. I'm a teenager. Nobody has ever asked me out unless it's for a joke. I am the butt of half my friend's jokes. I look like an idiot in sport class. People stare and judge and I am not treated as though I am a peer. I am less than because I weigh more than they do. I feel like such a dirty slob every time I put food in my mouth. I've tried starving myself, exercising to the point I threw up, cutting calories to 800-1000 a day, weight loss pills, nothing works. All my work is thrown back into my face. Each and every day I feel less like a person and more like a pig. To be fat is to be less than. To be fat is to be 'lazy' and worthless. I honestly can't take it anymore.