swaying/pulling/dropping sensation

in april i woke up with the room spinning, sat up and it went away instantly. we all had been dealing with colds/virus. i was told i had a double ear infection by urgent care which of course i always doubt there never right. i've never felt normal since. around the same time i had a forceful chiropractic manipulation that resulted in pain. since these timeframes i've experienced back of head pain, tension headache, black dot floater in my right eye triggered by light, off balance sensation as if im being pulled to one said or the floor is uneven or dropping like a elevator at times. i've seen ortho, neurologist, 2ents, spine dr, neurosurgeon, cardio, physical therapist and am working with non forceful upper cervical chiro who also does vestibular theraphy. he did imaging showing atlas misalignment disc issues believing it's causing cervical vertigo. been working with him almost two months no real improvement besides headaches less and neck pain less. brain mri clear. cervical mri 2 herniations, arthritis, neck spasms. ent and neurologist are thinking possible vestibular migraines. consulting another nuero surgeon to c if my discs are the cause. chiro is very holistic. losing faith. balance symptoms most challenging as i'm a busy barber. i'm medicated for anxiety and depression with lexapro and temporarily xanax which helps my balance issues short term they usually give valium for vestibular suppressants but it's the same family of drug. anyone ever go thru this? its been 8 months. vestibular neuritis / labyrinthiris off table at this point due to the time length of symptoms so they say.