pppd/vest. migraine or neck/ vest nueritis
6-8 months i've had this sensation of floor dropping, elevator dropping, swaying, boat rocking, being pulled to one side..off balance sensations. mainly happening at work...i am a barber and it does take a toll on ur neck and upper body...standing etc. headaches, pain in back of head. no anxiety relation. around the onset of symptoms i got a Y strap adjustment and had pain in the back of my head immediately. i also was sick with a virus around the same time. ultra sound of corodid artery, brain mris, cervical mris, t spine mris... flexation x-rays. seen neurologist, 2 ents, 2 orthos, upper cervical chiro non forceful, neurosurgeon apn, physical therapy.
upper cervical says - atlas misalignment correction and vestibular theraphy needed (2 months in not much result) likely from y strap adjustment and neck ligaments over stretched.
orthos - 3 herniated discs in neck, flattening of ventral cord in cervical region and 2 herniations in t spine flattening of ventral cord. none would cause what i'm feeeling.
nuerologist- vestubular migraines (nortriptylne i'm on second week)
ent - possibly damaged from vestibular nueritis or vestibular migraines maybe pppd
i'm going crazy trying to provide for my family feeling like this i have two active toddlers. i also have a black dot floater in one eye triggered by outdoor light.
neurosurgeon - need holistic approach no mri findings would cause what im feeling.
vestibular testing clear. ent says usually clear with vestibular migraines.
so far only thing that works is .5 of xanax twice a day. benzos surprise vestibular system.
so many hands in the pot. trying the vestibular theraphy and atlas correction and vestibular migraine meds (nortriptyline and lexapro and xanax)
my job and head down for extended periods of time trigger my symptoms as well as wearing sunglasses when it's almost dark out.