Lost in Hanoi

So I'm solo traveling, my destination was Hanoi and then go further north. I got stranded in Bangkok for longer than I wanted because lots of problem. You see I have a alcohol problem that I thought I had cured after 3 months in rehab. Big mistake. I should have known that alcoholism is a long term disease. Long story short, after spending way more money of my budget on alcohol, loosing my phone (my way of logging into my bank and) and my reserve credit card. I also had to spend way more money than planned in my hotel cause of nasty withdrawals.

But I decided to continue, so I went to Chiang Mai, there I decided to stay for 3 months cause I love CM (been there 6 times).

So now my journey went to Hanoi. came late, half past 23:00. was restless after a day of traveling so i went out. I was not aware of the temptations hitting me. Coke, pills alcohol and scammers everywhere. So I spent another week drunk out of my mind.

No I realize my plans, to go to the northern part to find solitude in nature is lost cause my budget is basically just enough to get home.

point is Hanoi was way too overwhelming, couldn't fint my way back to the hotel if I went further than 100m away, girls, scammers and dealers pulling ur arm. I didn't expect that.

So this was my so far experience with Vietnam. Lost, overwhelmed and even scared if i get stranded cause now I'm drinking again. The embassy can't help me, my family refuse and God sure won't. I'm too big a sinner for that.

Sorry just had to get that off my chest.

So I'm solo traveling, my destination was Hanoi and then go further north. I got stranded in Bangkok for longer than I wanted because lots of problem. You see I have a alcohol problem that I thought I had cured after 3 months in rehab. Big mistake. I should have known that alcoholism is a long term disease. Long story short, after spending way more money of my budget on alcohol, loosing my phone (my way of logging into my bank and) and my reserve credit card. I also had to spend way more money than planned in my hotel cause of nasty withdrawals.

But I decided to continue, so I went to Chiang Mai, there I decided to stay for 3 months cause I love CM (been there 6 times).

So now my journey went to Hanoi. came late, half past 23:00. was restless after a day of traveling so i went out. I was not aware of the temptations hitting me. Coke, pills alcohol and scammers everywhere. So I spent another week drunk out of my mind.

No I realize my plans, to go to the northern part to find solitude in nature is lost cause my budget is basically just enough to get home.

point is Hanoi was way too overwhelming, couldn't fint my way back to the hotel if I went further than 100m away, girls, scammers and dealers pulling ur arm. I didn't expect that.

So this was my so far experience with Vietnam. Lost, overwhelmed and even scared if i get stranded cause now I'm drinking again. The embassy can't help me, my family refuse and God sure won't. I'm too big a sinner for that.

Sorry just had to get that off my chest.