I need help removing henkaku from my vita
I bought a vita 1000 from AliExpress, and it arrived in good condition, the only problem I had was that it was already hacked and all the hacks were in Chinese. When I tried to download games from pkgj they would not install, so I decided to hack it myself. Trough the process I format both the vita and the sd2vita, it was after that that I realized that I needed vita shell to remove henkaku, now I don’t know what to do, my vita won’t connect to internet either, the only thing I have is this app called vita toolbox and it’s all in Chinese, I tried to follow the guide on the internet to remove henkaku but It’s hard, I’ve been translating with my phone but still dont really know what to do. I hope that someone can help and that I didn’t fucked up my system :(