idk if kaya ko pa

i love my gf but idk if i can hold on

for context 4 years na kami

we have 4 years age gap, that being said i am more willing to settle down but since she is younger than me, i think she's not yet ready

though our relationship is not secret, many of her friends know but not all, i dont even get to meet her officemates and we are not allowed to be seen by any members of her family

she cant even post me on her social media

while i, fully out masc who had past ex gfs, always show her off, my family knows her and she sleeps at our house a lot of tiimes, she is always invited in all of our family gatherings

so yes, i love her but thinking about it, do i love myself as well for settling into this kind of situation?

my biggest fear is that i won't find anyone else bec tbh i am old and the constant fear of being replaced by someone her age and within her line of work is always there

what should i do?