do you think Asuka is HOF material?
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He'll yes!!
\nOne of the best Japanese wrestlers ever for me a close second is iyo sky
\nWithout context I like to imagine this is how she hosts guests at her house.
\n\n"Please, have a seat, get comfy. Oh, jeez! Let me just move some of these out of the way! I'm just so messy, ya know?"
\nGoogle Suzuki Gun vs Kana for your answer. That was a match she asked for.
\nI can tell you\u2026 geez\u2026 she\u2019s such a cutie without all that Gene Simmons crap all over her face\u2026
\nAbsolutely just not anytime soon
\nI think it\u2019s nothing crazy to say she could be inducted within the next 15 years
\nThis picture is incredible. She's basically accomplished everything. Has she won an elimination chamber or been a part of a winning war games team? Has she won at wrestlemania yet? I can't think of anything else. What a hell of a career.
\nYes! She won the Elimination Chamber last year and won WarGames in 2022! I hope her and Kairi retain at mania this year
\nWrestling fans say something positive about someone without saying awful things about someone else\u2019s accomplishments challenge
\n\n\u2026\u2026nvm everyone failed
\nGotta assume this is bait
\nSomeone tell this joker that Sharmell is in the fucking hall
\nI gained a lot more respect for her when I seen the match between her and Minoro Suzuki, and she told him to lay it in. It was brutal to watch seeing a man beat on a female like that, but she wanted it that way I guess . Definitely a future HoFer
\nAbsolutely. She\u2019s won everything there is to win and is one of the best workers still to this day.
\n\nShe deserves one more good run before she retires. I would love to see her win the womens championship and have Iyo and Kairi hold the tag gold. Would truly be an amazing faction
\nShe's won everything you can win in the women's division, of course she's HoF worthy. Especially with how low the bar is for women entering it, she soars above that bar.
\nWell they put everyone these days so yes
\nYes she has done everything there is to do
\nIf there were votes she\u2019d be unanimous sure fire inner circle hall of famer
\nHell yes she is. What kind of question is that? Lol
\nYes Definitely \ud83d\ude4c
\nDumb questions deserve dumb answers, so mashed potatoes.
\nHow on god's green earth is this a question? She's Asuka ffs, I'd argue she was HOF material even before making it to WWE.
\nNot debatable. Of course she is. If the Bella twins are, I don\u2019t see how she\u2019s not. She\u2019s 10x better at wrestling than both the Bellas combined.
\nAbsolutely one of the more entertaining female wrestlers we have.
\nIf the bellas are.
\nUmm hell yeah
\nShort answer yes
\nOnly answer: YES!
\nThese polls are getting old when you consider the HOF isn't all that hard to get in.
\n\nIf Torrie Wilson, the Bella Twins, Stacy Keibler and Queen Sharmell are worthy of the Hall of Fame, pretty much any woman who wins a belt will get in eventually.
\nEventually. No rush.
\nI wish they would book her better, I love her and she should be treated like the female Nakamura.
\nPeople significantly less successful have been put in so I don\u2019t see why she wouldn\u2019t get in eventually
\nYes. In WWE there hasn\u2019t been a Japanese wrestler anywhere near as successful
\nShe's absolutely incredible and probably deserves a nod as it is. I'd love to see her there, she's one of the most deserving female champions to go.
\nA wrestler could have like 3 matches and at some point or another be inducted into the HOF. Anyone is HOF material. I\u2019m sure one of the Greatest women\u2019s wrestlers would be.
\nSomeday, yes.
\nYes, Asuka is GOATed.
\nShe might be the GOAT women's wrestler in WWE, so maybe
\nNot even a question \u263a\ufe0f
\nI\u2019d say yeah. Pretty decorated
\nAbsolutely !!
\nAsuka is the best Japanese superstar in WWE/F history.
\nDefinetly a wife material
\nno, despite her titles she's always been transitional champion , never been the center of any storylines and has no character
\n\nthis is mainly due to WWE , the commentary teams and the writers, she's always made to seem like the afterthought of anything. that's more obvious with her title reign earlier this year where charlotte and bianca barged in and the whole story was about them and was OVERSHADOWING THE CHAMPION ASUKA.
\n\nthey don't want to do a true storyline or angle where asuka is the star she CAN be.
\n\nrhea gets her time because "oooo I perv on rey mysterios son"
\n\ncharlotte gets her time because "I'm ric flair's daughter"
\n\nbianca , jade, sasha and naomi " all for the same reason"
\n\nbut asuka gets nothing on main roster and BARELY anything in NXT.
\n\nshe should've been the female taz or a monster threat , someone that should've been the go to checkmate for rhea ripley, but they don't do that
\n\nand it's been that way for asian superstars
\n\njust look at tazawa and shinsuke
\ntop 10 women's wrestlers in wwe and probably wrestling (probably)
\nLook at this picture.
\n\nThere's your answer.
\nYes she is! There are HOFers who have done less than this!
\nFor what activity?
\nYeah, defo.
\nAbsolutely she does. Asuka is one of the greatest female wrestlers of all time.
\nA swallow doesn't make a summer.
\n\nIt took me 15+ years to think The Miz is HoF worthy. And now I will die on that hill.
\n\nI try, and as you notice fail, to reserve HoF judgement until after they retire.
\nInteresting thought experiment- who\u2019s the least accomplished women\u2019s star who deserves to be in the HOF?
\n\nSide note- have we seen the last of the \u201cPre-Women\u2019s Revolution\u201d divas get in? Would be hard to compare careers of someone like Torrie Wilson to let\u2019s say Becky Lynch
\nRonda get in? Would she be the least accomplished of her era to do so? Debatable.
\n\nAs far as the \u201cDiva era\u201d I would assume names like Melina, Victoria, Mickie James, & The Bellas all get in, Honorary mention to LayCool
\nI laugh every time I see one of these premature HOF post with someone who is probably 15 years or more away from retiring lol.
\nBro shes like 42. 15 yrs might be a stretch, even if she is still great
\nOf course, this isn\u2019t a question. She\u2019s a first ballot with her resume
\nAnd alongside those belts and briefcase, she had her undefeated streak and is also the first Women's Royal Rumble Winner. Absolutely deserves a Hall of Fame induction when she retires.
\nFor wrestling? Yeah\u2026 for the run the writers give to her in WWE? No
\nWwe HOF means nothing tbh. There are men and women in there with barely a year worth of matches.
\nIt does mean something. Your name will be remembered well after you\u2019re gone. Course it means something, especially for women.
\nDonald Trump is an HoF and almost everyone deserves It more than that orange andry dude so...
\nI hate this example That\u2019s the celebrity wing. He also participated in one of the most successful WM of all time and hosted multiple WM on his properties.
\nAlmost all celebrities in the HoF are terrible in the ring and only participated because they were known in another area. That they are in the HoF makes it feel cheap and that anyone can deserve it. It doesn't mean anything at this point.
\nHell yea!
\nWithout a doubt
\nLet\u2019s be honest everyone who\u2019s won a title in WWE gets in the HOF
\nShe is as much of a lock as any woman on the roster.
\nYes but nothing compared to the EST.
\nAsuka's NXT run alone is Hall of Fame worthy.
\nThe second she calls it a run should be the second she goes to the HOF. One of the greatest to ever do it.
\nI don't see a problem with this. Hopefully, WWE will mention her career in Japan as well.
\n1st Ballot.
\n\nAlso the most successful Japanese wrestler to come to WWE to date.
\nSeriously? She\u2019s been one of the best female wrestlers ever.
\nYeah definitely she'll be there within the next 20 years
\nShe\u2019s a first ballot HoF induction. Legit in the ring, can do a serious final boss character, a goofy comedy act, literally haven\u2019t seen her take a stab at something she changed in her work that she didn\u2019t do well. One of the best ladies to ever do it imo.
\nYes. Easily.
\nThere should not be any debate about this! Period!
\nI don't get these post, no offense op. Of course she is HoF worthy. It seems like a karma post. Fact is, any wrestler is WWE HoF worthy. As long as they are on good terms with WWE. Doesn't matter. But in her case, again of course she is. Why would that even be a question?
\nShe is 40+ and constantly does the same phoney gimmick which is tired at this point. She is a victim of bad booking and is too nice to say anything, like Kane. Overall she gets in the HoF.
\nWhat\u2019s the second title from right?
\nShe is as deserving as any top women\u2019s wrestler\u2026.. I mean entertainer in wwe history in my opinion. I\u2019m not a huge fan of the women\u2019s division in wrestling/sports entertainment in general but I\u2019ll say Asuka is one of my favs to watch.
\nYup. Dominated NXT
\nFirst round HOF pick, and I will love to see it.
\nWithout a fucking doubt one of the best wrestlers in wwe ever
\nKoko B Ware, Drew Carey and Pete Rose are in the HOF.
\n\nThis should never be a question.
\nDrew and Pete are in the celebrity wing. Its an entirely different thing.
\nBased on the titles held and the briefcase...yes.
\nAnyone can get in the HOF
\nnot me
\nEwww, put your makeup back on.
\nI bet you look like a fucking goblin. Hush.
\nI give you an upvote because goblins are hot.
\nIf Drew Carey can make it to the HOF...
\nThe Great Muta went into the Hall, as did Jushin Thunder Liger. She's definitely getting in
\nWould be if they fuckin booked her better
\nWell ahe is deserving has made her name as a japaneese
\nDuh. She's done everything
\nYeah. She\u2019s done it all.
\nI would say she is definitely HOF material at this point But Jericho said the HOF isn\u2019t real so nobody can have fun with it\u2026
\nIn terms of pure accomplishments, she might be the greatest women\u2019s wrestler of all time in WWE.
\nAgreed. She\u2019s also one of the best if not the best technically
\nUndefeated in her NXT run, Won RR in her RR debut, Multiple Women's title runs and so on and so on. So, there is no question about it unless she does something that nukes her entire reputation and gets cancelled out of fame.
\n\nThere are literally wrestlers, both men and women, in the HoF that have done less and has been in there for years
\nShe has pretty much achieved everything the company has to offer. My favorite Kana chan. Is most definitely HoF material. I cried when she was forced to relinquish the nxt women's title and they had a going away celebration for her.
\nProvided no "complications" that would negatively affect her career arises, no doubt she's eligible.
\n\nOff-T: that belt plushie though... XD
\nHow dare you even ask this question? lol. Not only is she HoF material, Asuka will go down as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.
\nShe is in my hall of dreams already so why not?
\nNo doubt about it
\nIf she isn't, who is ?
\nIs that even a serious question? i thought it was 100% obvious
\nFor introducing Joshi style wrestling to a mainstream audience and being one of the most over wrestlers in the height of WWE\u2019s women\u2019s division, without a doubt. I personally haven\u2019t even watched stuff from her time in Japan but just for her WWE career alone she\u2019s a lock. She\u2019s up there with Chyna, Trish, Lita, and the 4HW in terms of significance to WWE.
\nWithout even a bit of doubt
\nHof material? I legit think she's the greatest female wrestler of all time.
\nThe photo answers it.\nThe amazing thing is, Asuka already had a HoF career outside of WWE and if WWE would recognize more outside workers, it would really help to legitimize it.
\nDefinitely HOF
\ngrand slam winner! \ud83e\udd70
\nEzy pzy
\nI don\u2019t think the HOF is ready for Asuka.
\nNo, she's not. But Koko B. Ware is.
\nShe's the most accomplished Japanese in WWE and one of the most accomplished female wrestler ever
\nIf she's not hof we riot
\nYes even if I don\u2019t like her and think she\u2019s vastly overrated.
\nThe real question is whether the HOF is worthy of Asuka/Kana.
\nBull Nakano?
\nOne: use proper grammar, two use full stops
\nKoko B Ware is in the HoF ffs of course she's getting in
\nok but Should she be in?
\nShe's the whole damn wing
\nShe\u2019s arguably the best women\u2019s in ring wrestler ever. She\u2019s a legend and HoFer 1000%
\nCredentials say yes
\nAbsolutely yes! She's a f'n legend. I implore anyone who hasn't already, to spend some rabbit hole time on YouTube, watching her Japanese inter gender matches. Nobody I can think of, (on any active roster, anywhere), has paid more dues than she has. Brutal f'n matches. If I'm not mistaken, WWE takes a wrestler's entire in-ring lifetime experience into consideration, when choosing a HOF candidate.
\nYes, but she won\u2019t be the headliner of the ceremony. She\u2019ll make her way to the podium and then Ronda Rouseys music will play.
\nShe makes WWEs HOF, she makes Japans HOF, any hall of fame list should have Asuka on it. The empress is the GOAT.
\nYes easily shes my goat
\nYes, obviously
\nAny other pro wrestling hall of fame? Absolutely. WWE's? I would think so...but what are the criteria?
\nUmmm, The Great Khali, Queen Sharmell and Hillbilly Jim are in the Hall of Fame so a big yes on Asuka
\nIm going to be a bit of a schmuck here, but absolutely everyone who ever had an on-screen presence in WWE will eventually be in their Hall of Fame.
\n\nEdit: I will concede that I made an oversight. Benoit will never happen.
\n\nHer connection with the English-speaking audience is pretty remarkable, considering she has said maybe five words in her WWE career that we understand.
\nShe's a lock, she's my 2nd favorite woman on the roster, only behind Rhea, who is my favorite WRESTLER on the roster.
\nNah, all the belts behind her are all props except for the pillow
\nTo be fair WWE doesn\u2019t seem to have any requirements to get into their HOF. With that said even if they did Asuka should be a lock. She has all the necessary accolades.
\nIf there was just a \u201cPro Wrestling HOF\u201d Asuka would be there.
\nI read this as if you think Asuka is hot..... And yes to both.
\nIF frigging Stacy Keibler can get in.
\nthat absolute legend with all those titles? probably not
\nIs Asuka aware she can get a Detolf case for like $100 at Ikea?
\nNot anymore you can't, they have been discontinued.
\nRikishi is in the hall. I think she will make it.
\nThe Sharmell hate is unnecessary. You get in the HOF for doing wtf Vince ask and if you do that to the tee your in. The fricken show is scripted belts and wins don\u2019t matter at all it\u2019s mostly what you did (in Vince\u2019s eyes) for the company and how well you executed. AND CLEARLY Sharmell did what was asked to the tee THAT\u2019S what gets you in the HOF. If you\u2019re a champion then you have already done xyb for the company to get there and that speaks for itself but many others that never got the title but definitely got rewarded in other ways.
\nI mean, that\u2019s not all what is taken into consideration, I mean, Sting is in the HOF off of his indie work and work in WCW, but Koko B. Ware is in the HOF so, you do have a point
\nOBBIOUSLY.....The best Japanese wrestler ever... She is just the best.
\nArguably the most dominant women's wrestler in WWE history
\nThis is a serious question. If Asuka doesn\u2019t make it to the hof, who does? She has literally done everything in WWE she could possibly do.
\nWelp she done it all, and went undefeated for quite some time, so yeah. She just needs at least one wrestlemania win
\nShe could very well headline depending on how her career goes
\nEven Sharmell made the HOF \ud83d\ude39 what kind of question is this
\nYeah, basically anyone who's ever held a title in WWE or WCW has a pretty strong case for ending up in the Hall of Fame.
\nThe only problem with the Japanese crew is they dont speak English well, if they have a spokeperson they could connect with the audience more.
\n\nThey are talented wrestler tho dont get me wrong but there more to wrestler now than good move
\nShe is off her NXT run alone. The main roster stuff even further locks her in.
\nAll Day Everyday
\nThe only thing she hasn't won is the Women's World title BELT. After Charlotte and Becky, she has to be the most likely to get in
\nHands down, despite how they book her, she has a ton of accomplishments
\nNot until the jumping bomb angels go in
\nWhy do people ask HOF questions so much on this sub like there's some strict criteria to get in?
\nLegitimately most women who\u2019ve win a championship are HOF material. I mean when you have Queen Sharmell in, that opens the flood gates for any one.
\nThe Bella Twins are in the HoF right? I think therefore every woman who can walk to the ring should be inducted.
\n\n(No seriously, of course the empress of tomorrow is a future hall of famer)
\nSharmell is in, so what do you think?
\nAbsolutely, 100%, definitely.
\nI would hope so! She's done so much for Women's wrestling as a whole and she's still doing it till this day despite having a really brutal early career.
\nHell yeah!!!!
\nWithout fucking question