Let’s talk Universe Mode
Another year, another new game with the same broken boring Universe Mode. I’ve been playing WWE 12 lately and my god, UM use to be sooooo good. I mean the flow of the shows, the cutscenes, the randomness, it was all so good. If the gameplay was as good as it is now I honestly would stick to WWE 12 permanently. So what happened? Why is UM so lame now? Frankly it’s because along the way fans turned it into Create a story and begged for more customization options. 2k slowly got rid of the randomness from the mode but they only did so because a vocal bunch of fans wanted to control EVERYTHING(including cutscenes?). But okay, where do we go from here? How do we make the mode what it once was? Honestly, I think they need to start over. Completely start over.
We are never gonna get the UM we want until we let them get rid of the old code and old mechanics that THQ/Yukes created with the original UM in SvR 11. It is hard but we have to let go of the current UM and let them give us their version of what they want the mode to be. No other mode has been in a WWE game for over a decade and honestly the mode hasn’t changed since 14 so it’s really just the same old Yukes Um but way way way more lifeless. It’s time to let it go and let them give us their vision for UM.
Promos, backstage interview segments, immersive show presentations, unique UM commentary, WAY more cutscenes, unique cutscenes, all of these cool ideas I see thrown around will never come to the current UM so let them make us a completely new one. The current GM mode is nothing like the old one and that’s fine because it’s still fun and that’s how I feel UM can be if 2k just completely restart. I’m prepared for the hate and downvotes because people love UM but idk man, every year I see the same people complain and at this point what do we have to lose?