what do i do
so i was working in grocery (got pulled there) by a coach and my new teamlead that transferred here stopped me and told me to get apparel returns. i said i cant because im working in grocery doing pets, chemicals, produce, etc. she wanted me to do apparel returns too on top of everything else so i went to go get them and brought them back and shortly after she went up there. the next day she left feedback on my workday profile twisting my words saying i told her no to getting returns when i just told her i cant because im already doing multiple task already. she then said that we only zone in the afternoon and get returns only at night which isnt true because we have to check returns every 30 minutes and put them away and zone all night. she then proceeded to say that she went up there and i didnt get everything but it was the day after valentines day and the returns were nonstop filling our service desk bins. jump to today my teamlead told someone in another department that he cant take breaks with me anymore and told him that i committed time theft because i went a few minutes over on my break which i didnt. we have scheduled breaks and i didnt get to take mine on time so i went a few minutes late but never went over my 15 and i guess she pretty much assumed that i stayed past instead of going late. can i even open door this? other teamleads told me she cant tell me who i take my breaks with but she can tell me i cant leave the property (which i never have) etc. i really want to open door this but dont know how these things typically go or if i should and i talked to a coach about it already and asked about transferring