AEP Line Hookup
Yesterday a tree fell and ripped the meter off my house. Electricians came, upgraded service and passed inspection with green sticker. As you are aware it's extremely cold and I'm pretty poor.
I called AEP when the electricians were finished, and he said he put in the order to reconnect their power line to my house and would be there in a few hours.
3 hours later and colder still no aep truck, I call again and the person on the line this time states she put in an emergency reconnect request and couldn't give me a time frame at all.
Now it's even colder and has been 3 more hours since my last call. Now on that moat recent call from 3 hours ago I did get a text saying there was an outage near my address and crews were assessing and I'd have a restoration time asap (BS cuz no crew was here).
After checking the outage map my home and area are not even listed as being in an outage.
Should I call them again? I need them to run their service line to my newly installed meter and turn my power on.
I have a CPAP machine I need to sleep with.
I DO have a generator, it's about to run out of gas as we speak, but I do NOT have space heaters, I can NOT afford a hotel, nor can I afford more gas for my generator (which is running my TV to keep my bedroom a little warmer and my fridge and phone charger) so my only option is waiting on AEP.
Should I call them again? Should I just use the app and report an outage? I had to freeze yesterday and it's even colder and snowing right now.
Just wondering what steps you would take and how I could go about getting them to bring their truck and run the line to my house again.