Post No. 3852858 about why “Unknown Fate” deaths suck

Listen, listen. I get it. The game is supposed to be realistic. I love that! I love that the game is much more challenging than it used to be, even on Easy mode. I don’t turn off my pups dying of sickness or anything like that. But MAAAAAN, losing a pup with there being absolutely ZERO you can do plus no warning is just nooot a good feeling. I think it’s a poor decision for the gameplay—this IS a game, first and foremost. And yes, I know you can turn it off, but I don’t particularly like that the player is punished for not wanting to randomly lose their kid by then capping how many kids they get to have.

Anyway. Saga beta is a 9.9/10. Axe the RNJesus smiting and it’s golden.