Along with immortality; WYR have infinite* resources, 24 hour clairvoyance, or biblical style powers?
What do you think would be the most influential on the world ontop your immortality?
Power #1: unlimited* resources You can synthesize any material, element or simple object outve thin air. Up to 2,000 Pounds per hour. And must be made of a single material, chemical or resource. No unlimited helicopters because theyre made of multiple componets.
Power #2:up to 24 hour clairvoyance. You essentially know everything that could potentially happen in the future up to 24 hours of the present or any time less. You place do so with a "place holder" in the present and can experience what would be the future at a normal rate, and nothing you do/experience actually impacts the REAL present.
Power #3: biblical style powers
• Walk on water
• Purify water no matter how tainted (1gal/min)
• Influence animals behavior (you cant control a bird like a RC plane. But you can convince it to come to you, and potentially do your bidding. But not always, because it doesnt strip away its free will. )
• Can cure any ailments by touching. One person at a time. (CAN NOT bring people back from the dead, or regrow limbs. But you can make the blind see, a crippled walk, instantly heal broken bones and cure any cancer or disease.)