Is this a generational thing?

Something I’ve been noticing more and more lately is how younger people (late gen z/early alpha) kind of suck at using computers. They’re just as bad as boomers lol I feel like I’m showing my parents how to use a computer all over again. Like, they can’t figure out how to find things that to me (and pretty much everyone I know between ages 20-50) are so simple and obvious. I think I may have read about this somewhere before, like schools don’t have computer classes like they did back in the early 2000s, idk if this is true.

Some examples of the under-20-yrs-old people I’ve experienced:

  • at my last job we used desktop computers running on windows. They didn’t know how to find or save files, use any programs, or do anything except open the web browser really.
  • I sell clothes on some apps like depop, and they don’t seem to realize that you can add an item to your cart and go to checkout to just see the final price without buying it.
  • they don’t know how to use scrollable columns (to select a date for example)
  • they don’t know any keyboard shortcuts
  • they don’t know how to do a proper google search

I can only assume this is because this age group grew up with things like smartphones and iPads being highly accessible and the internet as we know it now was already very established, so they had less need to learn how to use computers the way we did as kids/teens. But don’t they use laptops for school? How are they still so bad at this?

Now this is only from what I’ve personally witnessed and experienced. I’m sure there are plenty of younger people who can do all of this stuff, I just have yet to meet them lol. And I’m not trying to be critical of it, it’s just kind of shocking to me because of how early on I learned how to navigate a computer. Like I was coding my own tumblr themes at 15 lmao and so were all my friends, and now 15 year olds can’t open a word document? It’s so strange.