I'm having a hard time choosing an army

AoS is too good at making every army look appealing haha. I love mostly every army for something. This is an expensive hobby so I don't want to buy into something that I won't like in the end. I have it narrowed down to a handful of armies (LRL, seraphon, DoK, khorne, Slaneesh). Love the army feel aesthetic of LRL. Seraphon is dinos lol, DoK is morathi, khorne is doom demons lol, Slaneesh is the gamble with the temptation dice. I do have an nurgle army so the chaos armies do have some use of nurgle. I don't expect to win and I just want to have fun so the meta doesn't matter too much to me. I know some of these are harder to paint than others. I think I got spoiled from having to paint gross fat guys and flies for nurgle lol.