No offence, but Ahmedabad has made me feel lonelier than ever.

For the background, I am 24M from Delhi, living in Ahmedabad for last one and half year, and probably will live here for next 3 years, as I am a govt officer and will get promoted and transferred in 3 years.

First and foremost, the dating culture is horrible here, I am not getting any matches.. 😭 I will not brag, I look decent with average height, And I have got some matches earlier but all ended up horribly. Trust me, 3 girls forced me to meet their parents within 3-4 dates.. I mean who the hell does that.!

I knew alchohol is banned here, and I am not alcoholic either. I drink occasionally, so that's not a problem for me.

I have changed multiple gyms during my stay here, but the crowd is so dead.. Mostly people come with their buddy or girlfriend and nobody bothers to even reply for a hey or a smile.

I can't complain about my office colleagues as the average age in my office is like 40 years, so vibe doesn't match, stil I hangout sometime with them for a change..

I recently purchased Thar, but I have nowhere to go, and no one to go with. In the name of open hangout spots you have nothing but Pan shops and Rajwadi Chai. 😕

When I am extremely exhausted, I have to travel to Jaipur where my best friend lives to spend some good time but I can't do that everyday, right..!

And please, don't bombard me with negative comments, I have high regardss for Gujjus but I think I do not fit here.

I just need someone to Help me out to fit in maybe.. 😕