Governance Celebration GIVEAWAY! 3 WINNERS! 100 ALGO, $50 OPUL, $50 YLDY
Happy Governance! To celebrate the start of governance and everything heating up in the Algorand ecosystem #AlgorandAutumn, I'm hosting a giveaway!
To enter, comment a number 1 - 100,000 and the closest guess wins
Enter by 11:59 PM ET today, 10/14
You don't need a wallet to enter. Multiple entries will be disqualified. In case of a tie, the older comment will receive the prize
To clarify, one winner will receive 100 Algos, another will receive $50 worth of OPUL, and another will get $50 worth of YLDY
I'm committing to winners verified inside this hash:
Edit: thanks for all the entries and support just don't forget to upvote the post to increase visibility!
Edit: figuring out who won after I finish all my work lol. Prob announced relatively soon and will message the winners
Edit: congratulations to u/tyschab u/Algrainga and u/jsr33 for winning! I'll message you all.
The has was a sha-256 of
Love manbearpigxxx 45916 ALGO 33328 Yieldly 89097 OPUL