Accepting the disease

Hello, this first picture was taken December 6th, just 2 days before I shaved my head. It got bad. I noticed the first spot in September. It got worse (as you can see). It's now January 22nd and I have lost 80% of my eyelashes and about 50% of my eyebrows. Majority of my body hair is gone. I felt a lot happier when I shaved my head but now I'm getting back to being depressed because my hair all over my body and face keep falling out. I hope I'm not stuck with this forever because I don't think I'm strong enough to continue on with everything that's been going on. I'm happy this is not a life-threatening illness or anything but I'm already an insecure person and this does NOT help me. I have anxiety and ADHD. I was taking medications for it (Methylphenidate and Buspirone)... I always thought that the medications did this to me but I had stopped on September 7th (the day I saw the very first spot)... but the internet says that I should have regrowth already because it takes only a couple weeks to get out of your system... I mean, it could be different for everyone. But at this point it's been almost 5 months since I stopped the medications. I don't know what to do. My dermatologist just tries to shove meds down my throat which I fear because I think that's the reason this happened in the first place. I just want natural remedies and nothing painful.

When I first noticed something was up with my hair, I didn't dare check my scalp... I was just itchy and didn't know what that meant. Thought I just needed to take my allergy meds or something. But after a couple months of constant itching, that's when I noticed THE SPOT.... then my head got flaky and it was tender and yet still itchy.

Anyways, I wear wigs and fake lashes now but I wish I didn't have to. I get so stressed out thinking about what I did to deserve this or how I can stop it. I cry often and I hate it. I feel so alone in this battle and it hurts. Yes, I have friends and family that support me but they don't know what I'm going through and how life feels. Life feels so unreal and I don't feel like myself, I feel like I'm stuck in someone else's body or like I'm in a weird movie where the main character tries to overcome challenges and love herself through all the trauma. This life is not one that I want to live.