DAE feels like your life is over and you have nothing worth living for

I just can't even imagine any more how it feels to have a sense, a purpose or a meaning, every day is the same and sleep is only temporary relief. I go to work, listen to normal ppl having normal lives and it hurts lol, I do bare minimum and procrastinate, go back home that is not even my home (staying at boyfriend's but have no wish to decorate or whatever), fook if I fund strenght to, order take out if not and go to sleep until my bf comes from work, I hang out with him a bit, he usually drinks I don't, we don't even cuddle or have sex, it's more like having a roomate at this point, he tries to cheer me up but fails... He keeps saying it will get better and it takes time but I can't work out or do yoga, I don't even hang out with my friends and they don't even bother asking me out any more... I used to think that this will pass after prolonged AP withdrawal and that I will at least be capable to feel substances and I did had some mdma high for NYE and ocassionaly I get high from weed but it's just not the same, my brain is not the same and I'm afraid it will get stuck in this condition forever and I don't even have a drive to try anything at this moment or explain myself to doctors. I am just surviving every day and keep losing my memories and my sense of self, whats the fucking point in living if you don't feel a thing or remember anything? I don't think it's normal depression, it's worse than that. I am sure lots of you feel the same, and am sorry, it's just so frunstrating and I just needed to vent.