My gf is Aquarius and we love each other very much. I read a lot of bad things regarding these 2 signs. To me is a really magical combination and both signs complement each other like no other signs if they communicate.

IMO Cancerians have a tendency to manipulate and be over sensitive. Stop that at any cost, especially with Aquarius signs. And if you feel over sensitive, just talk about it in a mature way, because Aquarians will respect you for that. Aquarians need to communicate even if it feels difficult sometimes, NO SIGN will listen to you like a Cancer does. Sex is absolutely great between these 2 signs. They are both very very sensitive signs, even if Aquarius may seems they are not, they have WAY a more sensitive nature than they show and get hurt quite easily IMO. These are the main points for me. I'm posting these for those who feels this is a relationship that cannot work. It's absolutely not true. Much love to both signs. Proud Cancerian with an Aquarian.