LaRue vs Criterion vs Seekins

I’m building an 16” 223 Wylde AR and trying to decide between the LaRue Stealth barrel, Seekins barrel, and Criterion barrel. If you have another barrel you think out performs the other three barrels in the same price range please feel free to enlighten me.

My goal is a rifle that balances accuracy(looking for 0.75 MOA or better), and durability (has a decent round count that will outlive me and the next 7 generations of kids lol) for shooting mostly under 500 yards, with the possibility of stretching out to 800, 900, even 1000 yards if that is at all possible(I’ve never attempted long distance shooting like this before, I’d use this for distances of 100-500 yards 99% of the time)

What kind of accuracy have you gotten out of your barrels, what ammo does your barrel like, and ultimately what barrel do you recommend.

Thank you for your time and please enjoy the rest of your day.