Why are Asian Americans still using the word FOB to call new Asian immigrants?

I'm a first-gen immigrant and back in my own home country we were taught that FOB is a derogatory term to Asians. But I have been seen that young Asian Americans are still using this term to call other new Asian immigrants and international students online, even on Reddit.

Personally, I do find this term offensive. It reminded me of the history that poor struggling Chinese youths in Qing Dynasty were sent oversea on a boat to work as railroad workers, then get discriminated and mistreated by local white people. In the modern day when the major traveling method is plane instead of ship, this term also gives a second layer of derogatory, I feel it kind of implies that we came here sneakily as if we smuggled on a boat. Either way, every time I saw this term being usef by another Asian, I feel confused. I don't understand how any Asian can still use this term. If their parents were first-gen immigrants, do they want their parents to be called FOB? Please, someone enlightens me why people are still using this slur referring Asian new immigrants?