Visiting Toronto next week, any adivce?

Hey! I am a college student in Athens, Georgia, USA, some friends and I are going to be visiting Toronto for six days next week on spring break. Most of us have never visited Canada before and have lived in Georgia our whole lives (aka: not used to what we would consider pretty cold weather). We're already planning on going to the Leafs game next Monday. We're staying in an Airbnb just outside of the city, we're driving 2 cars up from Georgia so transportation won't be an issue. Anyone have any advice for our week on stuff to bring (clothing so we're not miserable) and stuff to do both in the city and within 2 hours (we usually love visitng national parks during our breaks)? Would love some restaurant spots that you wouldn't find on a tourist site, nature spots that are within 2 hours of the city, or any other must-do's. Thanks!