Red State Gays Do You Feel Safe Where You Are?
Prior to the election me (gay man) and my best friend (bi woman) where planning a few road trips. After Trump got elected she refuses to go to any red states and tell me I shouldn’t go because ( you won’t be safe there) We planned a cross country roadt trip that has now been axed because according to her Ill become the victim of a hate crime if we drive trough Ohio and/or the midwest. Planning to go to a memorial service in Tampa but again she believes total strangers will be out hunting for me if I go to Florida. We both have family in Knoxville but she won’t go see her own mother now because she won’t go to Tennessee while Trump is in office. We’ve both traveled together to Florida and Tennessee during Trump part 1 and honestly at no point did I ever feel unsafe. She has determined that angry mobs will come after me if I go anywhere near the midwest. I mean obviously I’m not going to go around announcing to total strangers that Im gay. But has anything changed or gotten worse? Are red states genuinely unsafe for gay people to travel to or is my friend being paranoid? I just don’t want our travel options to be limited to just the northeast.