Why isn't 21st century philosophy discussed on social/popular media?

Please don't answer me by saying that it is. I am a pretty typical, over 50, social media user who has been online for many years and if I hadn't gone out of my way to look up who is even calling themselves a philosopher today as a profession, I would never know they even exist. There are few popular articles in any media spaces about the latest in philosophical theory or thinking. Even if I do a YouTube search for 21st Century Philosophy, the top results are clips from Jordan Peterson or history lessons about Aristotle still being relevant now.

This is not a criticism of the subject or merits of philosophy or its applicability to our lives now. I'm not making any point that is attempting to denigrate or degrade philosophy. I'm wondering why it is that so few people care about it at all now. And what, if anything, do you think could be done to make philosophy more relevant and applicable to the so-called Everyman? And by this I mean a more meaningful exposure to it than the current "bro culture Stoicism" that Andrew Tate-clones like to throw around.