Parents "Support" Trans people, but "When it comes to Bathrooms, Sports, and the Military, stay in your lane". What are some good counter arguments for this?

Edit: Did not expect this to blow up. I'm amazed of the responses on here, I seriously can't thank the community enough! ❤️

Hello, I am 18 years old, am Transfem, but unable to transition socially, let alone medically because of my lack of independence and family, as well as a surgery because of my brain condition. I came out to my mother in private (so only she knows) on Nov 6th about being Pansexual and Trans. She said she still loves me, but doesn't seem to believe me. She wants me to have ""as normal of a body as possible" because "synthetic hormones cause cancer" despite them only slightly increasing the risk of it.

Now with that info set in place, there was a conversation sparked up, and it was about trans people. I believe it started by watching the news and "Look, sorry, transgender people don't need to be in sports." And I'm like "why not? Those who have been on HRT for like a year for example, have their muscles mass severely depleted and weakened, being very close to females at birth." I forgot how they responded to this one, but i believe they still didn't believe me and responded that males are stronger than females biologically, I don't think my point got through their heads.

They went ahead and made the argument about how a man can dress up say "I'm a woman" then go into the women's bathroom to molest them, harrass them, etc. I said "Look, not saying that hasn't ever happened, but how often does that really happen? Plus trans people try to avoid public bathrooms entirely, amd if need, only try to use the restroom they fit in with to be comfortable." They still saw that as dangerous, as if they didn't belong there. I mentioned gender neutral bathrooms, said something along the lines of "So if I go up to a urinal, they'll just see me like that?" I continued that gender neutral bathrooms are single person or only consist of stalls. They atleast seem somewhat acceptable with that idea.

Last one is the military. My family has a history of military, both my parents serving, as that's how they met. They mentioned how in the bathrooms and showers, there is zero privacy, no stalls for the toilet, atleast for my father. Said they don't need to be on a shower with someone else's genetals, and that it's dangerous for even them. I told them "I guess I can see that, fine maybe seprate that by sex, but they are people who are serving this country, and some willing to put their life on the line, they deserve as much care and respect as any other who is doing the same." They were like "No, sorry. I get you have an opinion, and I respect that, but these are lines you do not cross.

Now I know for a fact that there is information that disproves some of what they claimed, and good counter arguments against these (unfortunately) common beliefs here. Problem is, with my brain condition, I have bad memory, and I can be very poor at wording things. What would be best to say against these arguments here to my parents, and really, anyone?

Thank you for reading. 🙏