Thoughts on Poddy 300 + 100

Can I just say? I haven't laughed this hard in damn long. I straight-up started wheezing from laughing so much. And its been so long since I've felt this way about the podcasts.

Aside from the rare ones where they're clearly not banking like boat month and Kris Kringle with Tom, Imma say it- its been fairly shit.

In the sense that its a far-cry from the golden age of the podcasts but rather just a normal podcast. Think about it- you're listening to an Aunty Donna pod and 30 minutes have passed and you haven't laughed once. That's commonplace in the banking era.

But y'know what? It's been better lately. I actually laughed for an entire podcast. So cheers to the aunty donna boys and I apologise for complaining about free content.

On another matter. Does anyone know what the patreon stuff has released lately? Like- is the Dungeons and Dragons all released? Or an on-going thing.

Thinking of Patreon-ing again but looking for the right time to 1 month.