UniSuper nightmare job interview

Anyone else had bad experiences? I've had five bad job interviews in twenty years working. Four have been UniSuper now. Last one was just constant emails promising callbacks from the recruiter that never happened, and I figured they sacked him not long after so maybe they're improving.

Had a phone interview with their recruiter on Thursday. Went well enough. Last question is "do you have any upcoming leave planned?".

Tell them specifically I'm on leave now due to death of a family member, call me any day next week but Wednesday as it's day of funeral. Yep no worries.

Can tell by half paying attention tone she hasn't listened. Made a point of calling on the Tuesday to follow up. No voicemail option and given how quickly the dial tone got cut off I suspect she declined the call.

As predicted, call comes through just as I've arrived at the funeral home. I'm pretty taken aback and point out I did mention this. Her response is immediately defensive "how was I supposed to know that?", I ask her to check her notes from our last call. She confirms she wrote it down and then tries "while I've got you on the phone anyway let's lock in a time to catch up in a person". I tell her that wouldnt be appropriate and I'd prefer to speak another time. She seems taken aback by this "oh well....talk to you some other time I guess?" and hangs up on me.

Last I heard from them. After a week I withdrew the application on the careers website. I raised it with their head of P&C. Response is somewhat apologetic and insincere but tried to spin it as me having withdrawn the app and glosses over that they didn't proceed with the interview because I wouldn't take their phone call while at a family members funeral I was organising and had told them about. Shit organisation.