Headphone canceling noise suggestions
Hello I'm not autistic or at least not diagnosed. I've never used headphones but my friend advised me to searsh for some here for a reason : I'm sensitive to sound. And I especially hate planes noises or outside noises sometimes especially the extremely noisy places like malls but I still like going there yk.
Im going on a plane tomorrow and will come back home in 2 weeks, so in those 2 weeks (in China), I wish to be able to find good noise canceling headphones with possible things that would respond to my needs : - Doesn't hurt my ears or my head because I'm also touch sensitive (yay suffering.) - Noise canceling that's good (I have no reference) - And well, a good battery mostly good quality yk-
I tried searching but since I'm actually French and I couldn't find this specific no hurting ears or head ones, I needed to ask by myself :( Minimum I can convert the $ to € but this other one is a specifically needed info I HAVE to get-
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP, planes are already extremely stressful, I don't want to get so stressed and overwhelmed that I eat too much and get sick to the point of getting my whole meal out of my mouth like last time...