My roommate turned landlord threw some of my belongings outside with no warning and for almost no reason

Hello this is my first time posting here (r/legal advice) but I'm panicking hard rn and I don't know what to do.

Back story: my (26f) roommate (32m) became my landlord official this month. (His parents were my landlord before) And things started positive and I felt good about the change since he is more hands on. Well my rent was due on the 1st but I have a grave period of until the 5th (it's the 6th upon posting) and I never had an issue with paying rent or bills. Until this week.

Now to preface, I DO have the money and intend on paying as I've been trying to since the 31st. I have a job and everything. It's a new job though so I'm receiving checks from a different place than I was at my old job (3yrs) and apparently my bank, with no warning or previous situations, is holding my checks. I'm told this is normal and to give it a few days if even that. My landlord knows this. I've been very open with it. So yes, he IS aware and told me it was no problem.

I woke up this morning and walked out of my room to see not only my check I haven't deposited yet (because above) but also a note stating if I can't do what was agreed upon he would evict me. My check was not the full rent amount ($50 short) and I guess he thought I could pay rent based off of ONE check? I can make rent. I make decent money. He also knows this.

Anyway, as the morning went on I figured when he's awake we can talk. Until I couldn't find my backpack. Freaking out cuz my wallet was in there and my gut told me to look outside after awhile. All my stuff from the livingroom is outside. Just thrown out. And my wallet is gone. He hid my keys too but the house key was still attached so maybe he's trying to say something? I'm mad. Don't take my lack of sounding as not mad but I am in fact FURIOUS.

He's asleep rn and my boyfriend will be here in an hour to help? I'm not sure. I've never been in this situation before and I truthfully don't know what to do. Is there anything I can do? I signed my new lease literally a few days ago. I didn't receive a 30 day or anything official like that. Just my stuff thrown out and my wallet missing.

I really need advice please help.