roommate’s boyfriend that i share a bathroom with has lived in our apartment since the first day of move in
so my apartment we don’t all pay a shared lease, it’s just each individually. my roommates’ boyfriend is a freshman and she’s a junior. she told me he was going to be here “a bit” (i’ll attach the pic of the text she sent), but he has been here since january 18th and it’s now february 22th. and i know this because his shoes switch out and every time i see her i see him. i feel like they’re here more than i even am lmao because i work 24/7 as well as have class full-time. it pisses me off she didn’t properly ask if this was okay with me or my other roommates. and it sucks that i’m the one that has to share the bathroom with them. there was an issue with my toilet paper as well but i solved this by putting all my rolls in my room. they were using literally 1 roll of toilet paper in a day which was my toliet paper so i just took it. it’s not fair to be paying for toilet paper when it should be me and one other person using it but no it’s three. so that was another issue. the day of move in she showed me the shower and gave me a tour of her room. literally she opened the shower and there his fucking 5 in 1 body wash was, his loofa and all his shit. she didn’t even mention it either all she said was “this is my stuff and u have all this room over here” and pointed to the corner. she showed me her room and there her bf was on her bed and i was just like hi nice to meet you. i assumed that he was just helping her move in but he’s still here. i’m happy we don’t live in apartment where it’s a shared lease because id do something immediately. but it’s just the fact that he gets a pass from his roommates and gets to live here for free. there is a significant difference between the price of a dorm and an apartment. literally every time i see them i don’t say hi or anything because they clearly do not respect me or our other roommates. they fill up the kitchen trash with all of their junk food and never empty it as well. what’s also funny is his gf (my roommate) wrote her name on her dish soap and all of her food. like you don’t wanna share dish-soap but you expect your boyfriend to share a living space with us and just assuming we’ll be ok with it?? i’m posting this to see if anyone else has been having or has had this issue, and also am looking for some advice. i think im going to go to the ra or public safety bc he is going against guest policy rules as well. the rules are a guest overnight for 2 nights in a 7 day period which has not been the case. what set me off to post this was i just walked out to use the bathroom and his opened razor as well as his shaving cream was on my sink which i’ll put a picture of. like he thinks he owns the place lmao. it’s pretty embarrassing. my boyfriend is also super uncomfortable with it, so am i. like i’m sharing a shower with this random boy you know.