Don’t cook

So I’m not a big cook, plus I’m still pretty new to cooking. I, myself, barely eat breakfast and lunch. With that being said though, my LO eats every meal and a snack. LO eats a lot better than me lol.

LO has some teeth but seems to have trouble eating some hard foods. Like cucumbers and apples.

I have nooo idea what to give for proteins. So I’ve been buying soups and chef boyardee, because of the protein. I feel like such a bad mother for doing that. Like LO is going to be obese when they’re older and it’s my fault 😩😢.

LO is 13 months and I’m not sure what they can eat. Deli meats? Deli cheeses?…can they even have cheese at this age?! LO gets a fruit or veggie at most meals.

What’s some easy, protein filled, meals I can make fast?

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the advice and support. Thank you for not judging me, as well♥️!