BWT When do you know it’s time to move on

BWT that moved abroad - any advice?

I’ve immigrated to Europe about 8 years ago and been catching myself contemplating making another move.

I have few great friends and a supportive fiance, my job is stable and I’ve progressed quite a bit in the years here. I just can’t seem to shake off a fatigue of being in the same place day and day out in a culture that doesn’t resonate with who I am as a person like at all.

I’m also in a stage in my career where I’m ready to pursue something new, but it even impacts how I perceive my career outlook going forward. I simply can’t imagine myself settling down here for good, I fill my days with nonsense instead of putting my wholehearted self into advancing my career or enjoying the life here I’ve worked so hard for.

Occasional gateway even to neighboring countries feels like a breath of fresh air… I’m very close to that obtaining citizenship (1.5-2 more years to go), but I’m wondering if I should let that go just to get out of the rut

BWT that took a leap, has uprooting yourself paid off? Or did you come to realize there may have been something else behind the desire?