What was your experience dating outside your race as a Black woman?

I recently dated a white man for the first time and it was an interesting experience. We were only talking for about a month and only went on one date but I recently decide to cut things off with him due to multiple reasons but mostly the lack of vulnerability coming from his end. He is 25 and I am 24 just for context. The whole period of us “dating” was filled with superficial conversation and white people humor that I just didn’t understand. Don’t get me wrong it’s not deep conversation with my 24/7, I love talking about superficial shit but when it’s all that is talked about it makes me wonder “who are you?”. It’s exhausting and manipulative to constantly let the other person show their hand while you keeps yours closed. Anyways I just wanted to know has anyone had an experience similar to mine or different? I would love to hear the perspectives.