Trying to date 30+ but everybody has kids :(
I’m 30, never married, childless living in a major city in the South and literally every man I meet that piques my interest has a child. I prefer to date within my race around my age (26-35) and it seems every man in that demographic has at least one child. It’s very deflating talking to someone and feeling a connection until they bring up their child and I lose all interest. Nothing against people with kids but I am not interested in being a stepmom or having anything outside of a traditional family structure. I was raised in a single household with three full siblings and two bio parents that have been married for 31 years. Is it a pipe dream to want that for myself in 2024? Honestly at this point I’m not sure if I ever want kids because it seems like even the women who do “everything right” (getting married first, choosing an educated provider) end up as single moms due to a failure on the dad’s part.