Why is the Bible considered a white man's book?

I remember getting into a debate without another brotha who was in the Hotep movement, and at one point, he referred to the Bible as "the white man's book" and Christianity as "the white man's religion." Then I asked him this question,

"If the Bible is the White Man's book, then explain why all of the accounts in it take place in Northeast Africa?"

Personally, I feel that the answer to my question is that while the accounts in the bible all took place in Northeast Africa, and all the original Hebrew books were all written by black men, it was the Europeana who took those books, translated them and then used the book to justify their domination of the whole world (which we all know as white supremacy).

It can actually be compared to the Nazi symbol. The swastika, for 5,000 years was once regarded as a symbol of good luck, love, everlasting life, and well-being. However, the Nazis took that symbol and turned it into a symbol of hatred, tyranny, and oppression. Now, a once great and peaceful symbol will forever be associated with some of the most vile and wretched hate groups in all of human history.

The same can be said for the Bible, it's supposed to be the divinely inspired word of God, yet it was turned into a symbol of oppression and slavery. The message of salvation will forever be associated with white supremacy, and that's a real shame.

Who else agrees?