Did anyone else in this subreddit grow up in a country with a small black population, and as a result struggles with "feeling black?"

I grew up in New Zealand, and while its black population isn’t minuscule, it certainly isn’t significant. The town I grew up in specifically had a much smaller black population compared to the larger populations of Polynesians, Māori peoples, and white people. Because of this I’ve always sort of struggled to “feel” black, and since I was one of the few black children at my school, I always just associated myself with the other Māori/Polynesian kids (my dad is Māori). And more often than not I would be hanging out with the white blokes at my school as well, so growing up I never really had any connections to my African heritage. But now that I’m older and now that my family and I have moved to Canada, I am typically “grouped” into the black population here (meaning people normally just assume I hang out with other black kids, or am more culturally black than I actually am) which has been hard for me since I've never really been grouped in with other black people before.

I even struggle to relate to a lot of my peers and friends who are also black, since they grew up embracing their “African-American” culture much more than I ever did, causing somewhat of a cultural divide between us that makes bonding feel a little bit harder. I also struggle to relate to a lot of the experiences that my friends have had.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?