175 HOURS LATER IM DONE BRUH Ik none asked for this but I’m gonna do a recap
Favourite bosses def was Maria and logarius both cool af also wished I had played Maria on a Lower level so that it would have harder felt like i couldn’t enjoy her boss fight
Also orphan was easier than I thought BUT WHY DID NONE PREPARE ME FOR LUDWIG OR LAURENCE BRUH i was stuck on Ludwig for like 3 months then I was stuck on Laurence for 1 month literally could have finished the game a lot quicker
I hate ebiritas that’s it
Anyways now this is one of my favourite games will be delusional and wait for bb2
175 HOURS LATER IM DONE BRUH Ik none asked for this but I’m gonna do a recap
Favourite bosses def was Maria and logarius both cool af also wished I had played Maria on a Lower level so that it would have harder felt like i couldn’t enjoy her boss fight
Also orphan was easier than I thought BUT WHY DID NONE PREPARE ME FOR LUDWIG OR LAURENCE BRUH i was stuck on Ludwig for like 3 months then I was stuck on Laurence for 1 month literally could have finished the game a lot quicker
I hate ebiritas that’s it
Anyways now this is one of my favourite games will be delusional and wait for bb2