i woke up six months ago dizzy with vertigo with the room spinning and sat up and it stopped. i also injured my neck ligaments around the same time as well as had a virus and started blood pressure medication. metoprolol to be exact and then switched to olmesartan. i experience a lot of light headed sensations, brain fog, unsteady off balance surges while standing and having my neck bent down as well as getting up too quickly from a seated position or bending / kneeling down. i have had brain mris, spine mris, artery scans, bloodwork, ent, tried vestibular migraine meds, nothing is working and all tests come back clear. i have some herniations in the neck and upper back. nothing any dr would operate on. i'm starting to wonder if my body isn't liking the blood pressure meds or the ligaments in my neck are damaged and just need time. i've been told if it's ligaments it can take a year to heal and im half way there. symptoms usually start 2 hours into work - i cut hard so i stand all day and take my medication right before work when i get up. hard to tell if its the meds or postural issue like my neck. not working i am better but still have the unsteady sensations and when i get up quickly or get up from kneeling etc. i'm at a loss.