The sign - I'm kinda disappointed
If this is an unpopular opinion, please bare with me. I'm only sharing what I felt and would love to know what others thought about this situation.
I actually don't like the ending-I really wish they had moved.
Obviously it's sad and very emotional. Leaving their entire life behind-a home filled with memories, all their friends (both adults and kids), the kids' school, their neighbourhood, and Bandit and Chilli's extended family-would have been incredibly hard. But people move all the time, that's just reality. I'm sure we've all had friends in school who moved for their parents' work. As adults, many of us moved away from home, whether for education or a job or love or something else. What I mean is that sometimes making a hard decision in the process of trying to find something different is necessary.
Now logistically speaking, this would've been a huge undertaking for the show. They would've had to rebuild the entire thing from scratch-new buildings, surroundings, and all the other characters. This might not have been feasible probably?
But purely from a storyline perspective, I would have loved to see them in a new city. Watching the kids transition into this big change while the parents are navigating their big feelings and new obstacles. Seeing them turn a new space into a home. Bluey and Bingo making new friends, adjusting to a new school and new environment. Bandit figuring out his new job. Chilli's work situation is not mentioned, so finding out what she'd be doing. Just a whole bunch of new adventures they all take together.
So, what did you think? Should they have moved or was staying the right decision?