Bob Dylan’s greatness through time
Is there any other artist who has been capable of dropping such groundbreaking work in SEVEN different decades? I mean I know there’s some other artist that have been dropping music forever like the Stones, McCartney, but for that music to also hold up to the albums you were coming out with 60 years ago is next level. Along with that, Dylan has at least one album in each decade that I think could easily be considered by many as his best and I can’t say that about anyone else.
Every album he dropped in the 60s is legendary in its own way
70s had Blood on the Tracks, Desire to a lesser extent, plus all the RTR stuff and basement tapes)
80s has Infidels and Oh Mercy, this is probably his worse decade but I think these (especially Infidels) hold up very strong
90s has Time Out of Mind, Dylan winning a Grammy 35 years after his career started and after going through the lowest years in his career
2000s, Dylan continues his comeback with an even stronger album imo, Love and Theft, follows that up with another incredible album, Modern Times. While not as good as these two, Together Through Life is a nice listen
2010s, Drops Tempest, incredible album, makes everyone think it’s his swan song, then the greatest songwriter of all time says fuck it and makes three albums of covers. This is also in contention for his worst decade imo, just due to lack of original output, love tempest though.
2020s, Rough and Rowdy Ways, enough said. Cherry on top is the incredible reworking of his songs on Shadow Kingdom