Anybody here have experience with Costochondritis?
For those who haven't had to deal with it/haven't heard of it, Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage connecting the ribs to the sternum. It's usually brought about by excessive/strenuous physical activity.
I (m30, 6"1, 210lbs) had a flare-up about fifteen years ago (in high school) (holy shit I'm old) and it hasn't really bothered me since, until recently when I started doing more work on the rings.
Right now I structure my upper body workouts into two days, push and pull. Push consists of: ring dips; RTO push-ups; handstand work; weighted push-ups +45; support hold shrugs; and planche leans.
Pull day consists of: pull-ups; chin-ups; archer ring rows; weighted ring rows +45; neutral grip typewriters; rear delt flys; bicep curls (because why not)
So far, the doctor has told me to rest and take NSAIDs (which I am doing), so for those of you with any experience with this sort of stuff, do you have any insights? I am hoping there is a way of structuring my routine that might help to prevent future flare ups.
PS- I know I'm a heavy guy for this sort of work. I've started a cut recently, hoping that will help.