I HAVE to wean baby by 12 months HELP

so baby just turned 7 months recently - she’s always only had breastmilk until we started introducing solids, but no formula. she only drinks 2-3 bottles a week when i’m gone and daddy feeds her. she sleep with me and breastfeeds all night and always has (I don’t want any bed sharing hate idc) lol. my issue is that she’s soooo attached to the boob i’m afraid that I won’t be able to get her off by a year, especially bc I have ALWAYS allowed her to nurse to sleep for most naps and all through the night. she hates pacifiers and basically uses my boob as a paci. now I know I have a long ways before she’s a year but I HAVE to have her off by then because I have a 4 day back-packing trip planned 4 days after she turns one. this will also be the first time i’m away from her over night and dad will have to figure it out so i’m not perked for both of them. I got anxiety last night thinking about it and I don’t want to feel guilty for doing something i’ve always wanted to do. what tips can you guys give me to ensure I can smoothly wean her off (I think I will start at 11 months and do it gradually over a month). I just want her to be comfortable.