Rail Crossing (ZMYYCLK)
{"account": null, "authorFlair": {"t5_3k11a": {"DeathSwagga": null, "idk3138": null}}, "commentLists": {"t3_178mxe2": {"head": {"id": "t1_k51m9cc", "type": "comment"}, "tail": {"id": "t1_k51yxau", "type": "comment"}}}, "comments": {"t1_k51m9cc": {"author": "DeathSwagga", "authorId": "t2_n62tc", "collapsed": false, "collapsedReason": null, "collapsedBecauseCrowdControl": null, "collapsedReasonCode": null, "created": 1697412113.0, "depth": 0, "deletedBy": null, "distinguishType": null, "editedAt": null, "gildings": null, "goldCount": 0, "id": "t1_k51m9cc", "isAdmin": false, "isDeleted": false, "isGildable": false, "isLocked": false, "isMod": false, "isOp": false, "isSaved": false, "isStickied": false, "isScoreHidden": false, "next": {"id": "t1_k51ov66", "type": "comment"}, "parentId": null, "permalink": "/r/btd6/comments/178mxe2/rail_crossing_zmyyclk/k51m9cc/", "prev": null, "postAuthor": null, "postId": "t3_178mxe2", "postTitle": null, "score": 3, "sendReplies": true, "subredditId": "t5_3k11a", "voteState": 0, "bodyMD": "It looks good and unique, but it's too hard to the point it's not even possible on CHIMPS. I think you should be able to place monkeys between the tracks, at least imo.", "body": "
It looks good and unique, but it's too hard to the point it's not even possible on CHIMPS. I think you should be able to place monkeys between the tracks, at least imo.
\nAy thanks -- i didn't want to make it too difficult so i stuck a platform in the center -- i didn't check it on chimps, I'll test it, should be doable though
\nOk so.. *chimps might be impossible*, i cant do it anyway -- abr and impoppable are fine -- ill leave the map as is, maybe someone else can beat it on chimps