MSI RTX 4090 fried itself 1 day after warranty expired

While playing some wow classic got some artifacts and stuttering and screen went blank.

There are no visual signs of burning or damage and this was a prebuilt desktop from MSI and never even opened the internals.

After 2 days of troubleshooting I've done the following really hoping it wasn't the graphics card:

- Order an emergency 1000W Corsair PSU off of doordash from bestbuy

- Mild upgrade from my I9 13900k because maybe it was one of the broken CPUS with the microcode issue and got a AMD 9950X Mobo and CPU

None of these helped. I finally got a 4060 and it works perfectly, so I'm glad I can do the job interview I had next week on my workstation. But I feel like I am completely screwed right now for gaming.

I'd just get a 5090 or another 4090 but they're impossible to get.. Any advice?