Car-t treatment?

F 18 stage 4 incurable ewing sarcoma

So recently I've been told that my cells qualify to participate in a clinical car-t trial in Germany. Apparently I would be the 11th patient with sarcoma to join the study. So far no one has been cured yet, but they have seen some remission in patients.

I definitely want to do it, since it seems that currently my chemos are not working in slowing down my cancer. It would mean going to a different country (from the Netherlands to Germany, so only a 2-3 hour drive), I would have to stay in the hospital for about a month, and I would get one of the adult slots, which means being on the adult ward instead of the pediatric ward (which is a shame, because in my experience the pediatric ward is a million times better lol).

I have been briefed pretty well on the side effects, but I was wondering if there are people here who have experience with car-t treatment, and how it was for them? Better or worse than chemo? And was staying in the hospital for so long a challenge?

Thank you in advance! :)