Americans try not to make manual transmissions their whole personality (IMPOSSIBLE)
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Poser. Real manuelle lovers take it to the base.", "body": "
Only kissing the tip? Poser. Real manuelle lovers take it to the base.
\nIf the transfer case isn't touching my uvula, it ain't a manual
\nI personally love shoving the whole shifter up my ass and shifting my car with my asshole.
\nIt really helps you feel the connection to the machine.
\nAn ole ford ranger with a four banger on tha floor will have you feel the vibrations all the way up to yer throat sonny
\nHahahaha, taking \u2018feeling the car with your bottom\u2019 to a whole new level
\nWhat a tease
\nNeeds a flared reverse lockout to be safe.
\nRibbed for your satisfaction
\nI have a ribbed suppressor and that\u2019s the running joke
\nDeepest throat ever !
\nYeah, most people that bought a manual here did so just because they're cheaper, few drive a manual for the "cool" factor.
\nI can't afford a new automatic because prices
\n\nI can't afford an used automatic because reliability and repair costs.
\nHave you ever heard about costs of labour and parts to replace a dual mass flywheel? \ud83d\ude01
\n\nI'm glad I don't have one
\nI just like driving manual over automatic... but if the automatic has paddle shifters than i dont mind.
\nThat's me atm about the post \u2b06\ufe0f
\n\n. . . . . Well at least in the usa there granny's could drive stick shift NM about the new generation not so much
\nEuropean here;
\n\nI've only had manual cars so far because in my price range the automatic is generally an additional option that I'm not willing to splurge on since I'm so used to driving a manual it makes no difference to me.
\nI like manuals for engine braking
\nThat was my biggest surprise when I rented an auto, I\u2019m used to letting off the gas and it slows down, then using the gears to reduce my speed, I can often go a fair while without using the brake pedal at all
\nYou know what's even better than engine braking, regenerative braking in an EV. Instead of all that energy going to waste, it goes back into the battery!
\n\nPlus, is it really an automatic if it's only got one gear, or is it just a manual and you keep it in 1st?
\nI cannot lie I always did think that feature was pretty fucking cool
\nif you have enough cognitive dissonance (like me) you can do enough mental gymnastics and be like "wow, this is just like f1 ers, i am a race car driver, i am the coolest guy on the road" while driving a prius
\nBuy a Renault e-tech hybrid and you basically have F1 car. It has clutchless dog-type transmission developed with F1 engineers. As a owner of one I can tell everyone I basically drive and own formula 1 car
\nSame performance tho
\nStill it's gonna have low mileage.
\nAre you jerking or are you fr
\nI ain\u2019t jerkin, regen braking is sweet
\nCombine the best of both worlds like Honda did the with CR-Z hybrids and the first gen Insight. You get to row your own gears if you get le manuel and regen breaking/takeoff assist from the IMA system.
\nIt's real. My 2011 Ford escape Hybrid has it
\nBest thing ever. Use unless coming to a complete stop we rarely use our brakes. You can easily slow down 30-40mph in a decent distance.
\nMy parents manual Mild hybrid Mazda3 has both engine braking as well as regen on braking to charge up the battery power.
\n\nIt's a very neat system
\nMy hometown is basically slapped on the side of a mountain. Recently I\u2019ve been going down our longest street and see how high I can charge the battery. Highest so far has been 4%. It\u2019s a plug-in though, so the battery is not that big.
\nYeah but does regenerative braking make a loud WHEEEERRRRRRMMMMMMVMMvmvmvvmmvvmvv noise when you hit a sick downshift with straight pipes?
\nMost people: "EVs have no soul"
\n\n\nLegitimately go step on a lego. Regen braking is a horrid awful low-aura feature. Oh you've just sped up? How about you don't coast and roll forwards, how about instead you immediately slow down? Sorry, this car can now only go and stop, no rolling forwards, just foot down to speed up, foot up to slow down. Oh you have a brake pedal for that already? Tough shit, now you have two and no ability to roll.
\nI don't believe any implementation currently exists in automobiles but a Canadian ebike company did some testing with applying just enough voltage to the motor to overcome that drag in a no throttle state so that you could use Regen braking and retain the ability to pedal without fighting the motors rolling resistance.\n According to GRIN in their testing of what they call "virtual freewheel" the energy recaptured by enabling regenerative braking is more than enough to compensate for the energy lost powering the motor in the no throttle or brake condition.
\nBasically every EV can turn off regen braking if you want to coast.
\nWant to coast? Use cruise control. Or just hold your foot still. Because between "foot down to speed up" and "foot down to stop" there is "foot stay as it is and car just keeps going". Same as with any other car really.
\nNot with any other car, in any non regen braking car you can speed up and lift your foot, thus cruising without using any gas at all. In your case you always have to apply the throttle to just keep going. And thats what the poster is talking about.
\nIm used to engine braking in my old manual Toyota HiAce, this is a neat feature in my Suzuki Landy that i feel at home with, which leads to a mild frustration of seeing people in front constantly riding the brakes like bro your new hybrid can slow down on its own just let it do it's thing.
\n\nYou can also shift into the B or L gear for additional engine braking too. Useful for riding downhill or at deceleration lanes.
\nOne of the reasons EV's are the future. Just more energy efficient.
\ni usually drive and own manuals (indian), i drive my friends cars which are automatic and don't really care alot tbh but the first time i drove an ev, the regen braking was at the highest setting and it felt so weird lmaoo, was not used to this sudden braking (not to mention the car not rolling itself once let the brake off)
\nLocomotives have it too, except rather than recycling electricity they send it to a resistor grid for conversion to heat energy.
\nElectric locos can send recovered energy back to the grid.
\nRegen braking is 10% efficient on average. Not worth the extra weight.
\nI agree that this is the way but disagree with EV. It's pushed massively but the grid is not ready, the batteries are not ready and battery recycling is not ready at all. Right now it's just waste on wheels and a trick to sell more cars that run on coal under the excuse that it is better for the environment. The fact that they all have massive torq also doesn't help. People tend to use what's available. Causing damage to the tarmac at the traffic lights and wasting a lot of energy pulling away...
\n\nSo regenerative breaking is super nice and doing that in a hybrid is the best option at the moment. Because you only need a battery for the regenerative part. The part that is actually worth the battery.
\nYou can do that in an automatic too, D1, D2, D3....
\nBrAkEs ArE ThErE To StOp ThE CaR
\nSince when is a car a cargo truck??
\nUj/ My DCT Audi engine brakes way better than my manuelle S2k tbh lol
\n\nThose downshifts are mean af on the DCT.
\nBrake pads are a lot cheaper than a clutch. Unless you're driving a semi I suggest avoiding that.
\nEver heard of rev-matching?
\nOr just like don\u2019t be bad at downshifting
\nUnless you\u2019re slipping the clutch forever and/or not rev-matching on the downshift, engine braking isn\u2019t going to wear your clutch out any more than accelerating will. A fully-engaged clutch with no slippage experiences zero wear.
\nMaybe you don\u2019t know how it works so I\u2019ll explain it to you. If you\u2019re going down a mountain pass and you don\u2019t use engine braking, you will utterly destroy your brake pads and your car will stink of burnt brakes. However if you put your car in a low gear, it is safer and you don\u2019t obliterate your brakes every time you go downhill.
\n\nAs for stopping the car for something like a traffic light, driving instructors in Europe teach you to use engine braking as well as regular braking because of the added safety and reduced brake wear. The clutch can take it no problem, unless you\u2019re an absolute idiot who doesn\u2019t know how to drive.
\nEngine breaking puts wear on your ENTIRE drive train bro. From the piston rings, through the crank, through the gears in your trans to your differential. Slowing down using the engine creates FRICTION. Every single one of these components is cheaper than brake pads and rotors. I know how to use my transmission to slow myself down on a steep hill, I have a CDL. Ff youre engine braking to pull up to a light your making your motor work much harder than it needs to.
\nPlease god let this be bait please dont tell me someone is this fucking stupid
\nLmaooo engine braking puts no more stress on drive train components than accelerating. Transmissions work both ways. Everyone else here has already told you but I would not want to be ahead of your vehicle on a long descent down a mountain, brakes fade and fail from descending without engine braking.
\nAlso as I understand it since the power is going the other direction it's actually putting the stresses on the other side of the gear 'teeth'. Essentially it's a fresh drive train, you will never do enough engine braking to wear it out.
\nUsually when I slow down I downshift when the engine gets to around 1100 rpm, getting it back to 2200 rpm and that helps to reduce the amount of braking required by a bit. That\u2019s what I meant with engine braking, not getting the car to redline on a downshift because I\u2019m afraid to press the brake pedal.
\nEngine braking doesn't work with friction, it works with compression doesn't wear out the engine any more than normal driving which is a negligible amount of wear. Also, sure, some internal engine parts are cheaper than disks and pads, but the time and labor will easily buy you 5 full brake services
\nSpoken like a true torque convertor enthusiast
\nThere's nothing worse than meeting a 17 year old at cars and coffee who constantly talks about how the death of the manual is the worst thing ever and that automatics are all terrible. And I drive a manual
\nI\u2019ve stopped telling people I\u2019m a \u201ccar guy\u201d because half of them are fucking insufferable
\n\nMet a guy recently and say I\u2019m into cars after he mentions his S2000. He asks my dream car and I say \u201cwell currently my sort of realistic dream car is a 911 Turbo but it changes a lot\u201d
\n\n\u201cI am referring to the actual Turbo trim (you fucking clown)\u201d
\n\nI\u2019m pretty sure he said something about the GT3 being better than a Turbo (yes I know why people like it, I\u2019d rather daily a Turbo and weekend a GT3)
\n\nHe then unironically starts talking about the \u201csoul\u201d of engines and manual transmissions after I mention that I prefer to daily an EV
\nThe most positively, genuinely eye-opening moment I had talking to a car guy was this 71 year old Greek dude I ran into at the Walmart parking lot back when I lived in Coquitlam. He had a bright red Dodge Stealth RT Twin-Turbo and we went on and on about cars. I told him I didn't drive, and he dropped the absolute hardest, stone cold bar I'd ever heard in my life that I keep in the back of my mind when I think about cars:
\n\nYou have the passion, that's all that matters.
\n\nGeorge, if you're reading this, I owe you. I owe you big time.
\nYeah Greeks are chill like that
\nWhat got me was how he said it without skipping a beat. I told him I didn't drive, and it's like that was the next round in the mag, just dropping the bar that changed my entire brainwave on cars like it meant nothing, like it was a throwaway.
\n\n\n\nI\u2019ve stopped telling people I\u2019m a \u201ccar guy\u201d because half of them are fucking insufferable
Man, same. I\u2019ve never met a car enthusiast irl that didn\u2019t make me feel like getting a voluntary lobotomy (sans the people that I play WMMT with).
\n\nAlso, I feel you on the \u201cdream car changes a lot\u201d part because mine changes so often that I\u2019m never able to answer that question properly.
\nI feel like a true enthusiast has more of a dream garage. how tf can you settle on one car?
\n"He then unironically starts talking about the \u201csoul\u201d of engines and manual transmissions after I mention that I prefer to daily an EV" that part is so fucking real holy shit, a good daily is a good daily.
\nThat's why when I want to talk about cars I chat with bikers. At least they're realistic
\nI feel ya, but I kinda like those kids. Need youngs enthusiasts to ensure the manual survives.
\n\nOnly a few brands are holding on...and only loud, demanding consoomers will keep it on earth.
\n"Agh the really young being young, what a pain."
\nI don\u2019t take advice from broccoli heads with peach fuzz mustaches.
\nThis guy looks like Phineas and Ferb mashed together
\nI own a manual because the dealer talked me into buying it, made me think it would make me look cooler to women
\nMy wife legit thought it was attractive when she met me that I could drive a manual. She told me a while into dating. Just don\u2019t even mention it or you lose more than you had gained. Girls just tend to like it when guys are casually capable, cuz it\u2019s like +1 for knowing how to do something but -17 for bragging about it.
\nYeah seriously important to be casually capable as you say. In the UK this wouldn't work tho lol. School girls will be driving their manual Corsa to school.
\nThat's a good salesman
\nDid it?
\nNo just old guys
\n\nAn automatic transmission doesn\u2019t see the curve coming, or the opportunity to pass, or the red light ahead.
\n\nThe driver does.
\nWhen I smash the pedal, my transmission downshifts. There is 10 freaking gears in mine. And I've driven manuals a youngling pre-gps era as a delivery driver.. I'm tired of them.
\nThe modern car knows what you want out of it based on a myriad of inputs. This is a very 1980s racing movie training scene type line.
\nIt still guesses it instead of directly executing. Better than it did 40 years ago but still. And sometimes it guesses wrong. Happened to me in mid to late 2010s cars. Probably is still there in cars made today, I just never drove anything 202X-made.
\n\nAnd when it starts consistently making idiot guesses it costs an arm and a leg to get it fixed, while fixing a manual is much much much easier and cheaper.
\nYeah, it sucks when trying to fit into a gap when joining the motorway, flooring it and it just happens to upshift at the same time and nothing happens for like 2 seconds and you're fucked. Talking about a slow-ass van.
\nWhat about paddle shifters?
\nNot all autos have paddles
\nI have a 6 speed automatic that doesn\u2019t have paddles but the automatic gear stick is also a sequential that can manually shift 1-6
\nCan\u2019t heel-and-toe very well without a clutch.
\n\nIn general, the clutch controls how \u201esmoothly\u201c you\u2019re sending power to the wheels, e.g. in slipper conditions.
\nI've never had an issue feathering the pedal in an automatic while driving in the winter.
\nTc off/on lol
\nFunnily enough my car does see curves and traffic lights etc coming up and reacts accordingly.
\nIt\u2019s just more satisfying
\nThese guys use their own cum for hairstyling.
\nEach others....
\ni own a manual because most cars in europe come in manual, they are easier to service and can actually go up hills
\nI own a manual because it's fun and I like it. Modern automatics do not have problems going up hills.
\nYeah, they honestly make it easier too. My mother's 1l ecoboost auto has no trouble pulling off a steep ass hill with all seats occupied
\n\n\n\nand can actually go up hills
Ah, see, in America we solved that by just putting bigger V8s in the cars. It worked until the '70s.
\nbigger V8s with around 163 horsepower
\n"How do they get so few horsepower from a V8 modur?"
\nWhat if evil Merkel (or whoever tf is in european parliament) wants to destroy v8s?
\n\n\n\nMerkel (or whoever tf is in european parliament)
von der Leyen is the person you mean
\nwhat do you mean with that last part? automatics are infinitely better for hills
\n\n\n\nthey are easier to service and can actually go up hills
The fuck kind of automatics are you driving?
\nOr you could just use the manually selectable gears or drive a car with more than 100kw, in regards to going up hills
\nYeah because i always stand at the start of a hill with my automatic and just have to cry...
\nboth of my cars are sticks, i just like rowing gears \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f
\n"I like a car you can grab on to something"
\ni like a car that allows me to grab a phallic object while im driving
\nHolding the steering wheel is like holding two wieners, so manual or not, you\u2019ll get your opportunity
\nIt's fun. I like it. That is all.
\nAn anti-theft transmission in US \ud83e\udd23
\nI was expecting him to deepthroat it
\nManual transmissions are stronger than autos in most cases, allow for proper engine braking, you can choose what gear you're in based on what you see ahead of you as opposed to an auto, which is just figuring it out on the go. The downsides are being in heavy traffic is a little annoying and there's more maintenance required on the whole, what with the whole clutch system. Still would prefer it in most cases
\nyour first two points are invalid, you can do both of those with most automatics from the past 20 years...
\nWhen I drive autos I rarely ever paddle shift though. They're annoying to deal with outside of a full send whereas the manual feels more natural.
\nyou don't need paddle shift. in my 2004 e220cdi you could push the shifter left or right while in D to manually change gears
\nthats the same thing.
\nwell it's not a paddle is it \ud83d\ude02. but jokes aside I don't think I've ever driven a car I couldn't change gears manually in, be it manual or automatic. and I've driven quite a few cars
\nYou must have only driven cars made past 2010. Before that you basically only had gear limiters for 1st and 2nd.
\n2004 e class, 2004 s60, 2001 e38. Now that I think of it my dad's old 2004 ML probably didn't have that, but otherwise you're right most autos I've driven were modern
\nI like being able to choose when my car shifts instead of it just doing it randomly as it sees fit.
\nManual means you have actuall control over acceleration TL rather than a pc doing it for you which makes me feel more safe tbh.
\nI fail to see how having an automatic takes your control over the acceleration away? Just press the gas pedal more or less?
\nYou don't have the control over which gear the car decides to be on. I've struggled with rental automatics because of that, you really have to be giving it the beans for a while until the car decides to downshift, and more often than not it's already too late, or it goes the other way around and stays in low gears when I don't need it to.
\n\nManuals avoid all that RNG.
\nnot that simple. the family car (mazda cx5) takes a whole 2-3 seconds at least to start truly accelerating when you step on the gas. 2-3 seconds might not sound like a lot but it is.
\nYeah but if you want to change gears up or down you're basically just asking the car to do that by accelerating more or less, whereas you could just shift in a manual and avoid the delegation
\nMy first manual car got stuck in fifth gear a lot. My opinion on this quickly changed. Luckily the dealer gave me a full refund after a month.
\nBrother manuals have ECUs and fuel maps too.
\nYeah but you actually decide what gear you are in
\nManuals are better at selecting gears automatics are just there but sequential all the damn way it's semi automatic where you choose if your gears go up or down without using your clutch
\nActually, I found manual transmissions to be much better for controlling speed in long down slopes, your brakes can handle only so much heat and the automatic are too stubborn to let you engine brake as you want, not as the epa says
\nthe only people i've seen to brag about driving a manual are americans, and unfortunately its not an online thing, god those people are insufferable.
\nI have to say, this is the most annoying thing about the car community. Especially since they will reject 90% of cars for not having a manual. There are plenty fun cars with paddle shifters, which even not having a manual are plenty fun. Sometimes they are better because they won't allow anyone to blow up their engine, moneyshift or ruin their clutch early. Computer makes sure its alright.
\nAnd I really dont want to hear how "UnRelIabLe!" autos are. Sure, early gen autos from the 60-80s sucked. Most automatic transmissions are so well made that we got cars rolling around still with original transmissions from the early 90s. Being a mechanic, besides a few rare occasions, Its not very often I run into an automatic that needs a rebuild or repairing. When I do its either because they weren't taken care of, or something went bad, and the owner decided to run it till it died.
There are three reasons why modern cars have manuals:
\n\nHaha I move stick and car go vroom :D
More control over the car
Anti-theft device
Forgot reason 4. Cheaper when buying a new car (at least in some cases)
\nAntitheft only works in the country where manuals are automatically considered a sports car, the rest of the world knows how to drive a car.
\nI always think kick starting is a lie until I do it
\nI rock back and forth in the mud until I\u2019m unstuck
\nI wiggle side to side 5x to make sure I\u2019m in neutral
\n/uj would it be worth it to learn manual driving? Like is just more fun or is there a advantage to manual?
\nso you can feel like a superior road user with your hands gripping manuelle shifter!
\n\n/uj useful for when you travel out of USA and want to have more car options to rent/borrow as there are so many manuals still around elsewhere
\nDepending on who you ask it's more fun, and it is more engaging, but there's no real advantage to it. Learn it if you want to, but don't feel like you have to.
\nIts not worth it but you still should. If anything you'll have wasted a couple hours and 5% of the lifespan of a good friends clutch.
\nA lot of people think it\u2019s more fun but many don\u2019t. But it\u2019s proven to be safer (makes you keep paying attention more), is an anti-theft device (so many kids can\u2019t drive it) and allows you to rent cars in Europe where they mostly only come in manual.
\nYes, it\u2019ll help you learn to anticipate better than in an automatic.
\nworth it, if you can drive a manual, you can drive an automatic, parents are smart enough to first have me learn motorcycles and cars in manuals first.
\nOnly real advantage is that you have more option for rentals outside the us, in the eu for example manuals are still more common then autos
\nWhy are these kinds of car guys always so scrawny looking
\nThat's weight saving, to gap the unsuspecting Toyota Corolla waiting at the red light
\nI cant drive manual, if I steal a car and its manual, im destroying the gearbox Idegaf.
\nYeah sure buddy. But you won't make it out of the parking lot. And the transmission will probably survive
\nI own a manual because they're more fun and are cheaper here in Europe. So it's a win-win for me.
\nI drive a manual because I live in the Czech Republic and automatic cars did not exist here until like 2004, so they are very expensive. (not that i would want an automatic)
\nI get that many people enjoy automatics.
\n\nBut why the question when people prefer manuals?
\n\nIf you are a car enthusiast, I'd be pretty sure that you'd also love older cars.
\n\nIn older cars, the automatic doesn't have much benefit. So of course they'd pick the manual over automatic.
\n\nIs that hard to grasp?
\nI turn off all the traction control and obstacle sensing stuff too. I\u2019d buy a Lotus and do away with even more modern stuff if I could. I want to go the opposite way from self driving cars that make all my decisions for me.
\nIdk why ur lumping all Americans into that weird generalization but as an amaerican I kinda hate manual, I'd prefer my car to be able to drive without me having to control a gearbox at the same time. Manual transmissions are like rotary phones, people brag because they now how to use them, but the reason we stopped using them was because they're needlessly complicated.
\nOutside of the US it's the norm to have manual. It's not even hard to use. I would understand the idea that it's not pleasant in city traffic, but hard and complocated? Buddy, you are around 2k-2,5k rpm, you shift upwards. If falls under 1,5k rpm, you downshift. Numbers aee literally there and placed logically. And you use a clutch.
\n\nBut what am I saying, you guys have it so easy every dangerously stupid person has a license. Easy tests, automatic and no need to have a actual driving instructor with modified car. Most of you would not even have a license in other countries. Honestly, we should follow Japan's example and not accept US licenses.
\nMy first car was a manual 66 bug, after that was a manual 86 jeep, I currently drive a manual 88 vette and happily daily drive my automatic 2002 crv. I know from experience how stupid and complicated it is. Manual cars did not keep stupid people off of the roads, manual cars are from the generation that thought seatbelts were bad and a dui shouldn't be frowned upon. Clearly the general populus agrees since manuals are dying off
\nThan explain what's so complicated about manual?
\nNot good for traffic great for offroading
\n\n- is cheaper to build
\n\n- is more durable and reliable
\n\n- Needs less maintenance
\n\n- is easier to repair.
\nThis is the gayest thing ive ever seen from the types of guys who say driving an auto is gay. No offense to any gays who genuinely prefer manuals of course.
\n\nI myself made the switch to manual midway through driving school out of personal preference (my dad recommended learning auto because its easier and he drove stick) but it also meant getting a license to drive both types of transmissions.
\n\n\nI like my gay little stick, I've owned automatics and they're fine but i get bored easily
\nLook at me. Me better because of some gears in me roll machine
\nGets better milage
\nI love that this post broke containment, so now the people this post is making fun of are here.
\nLess things that can break, and if they do, you can probably find a way to drive it anyways
\nI love driving my manual daily to work, I hate driving my manual delivery van at work. Only certain cars are fun in manual, and a Ford Transit full of bottles, cans, and kegs is not one of them (at least when you're not allowed to drink them).
\nThe only problem a manual transmission is going to have is a problem you caused.
\nI love driving manual because the bulb on my shifter perfectly caresses my prostate when I sit on it after a drive.
\nWhat I like in cars is technology, so dumping a load of money into a machine just for me to do it's REPETITIVE job sounds like a very stupid thing to do.
\nIt's better when slippery
\nI\u2019m bored while driving and need something else to do
\nDriving an automatic is for convenience, that is it, it's easier to drive. It's like a mcdonalds menu, sure it's convenient, but that is the only thing going for it.
\nProne to malfunction,
\nProvides little to no control while driving,
\nBoring af,
And it's not even the most comfortable thing, the real comfort comes from having a chauffeur, not from automatic transmission.
\nHow slow does your automatic cars shift gears? People in here make it seem like it's taking 2-3 business days. I love my automatic and have never felt annoyed at the gear it's in. And I've never felt that it downshifted too late when I drop the pedal to overtake. Manual can be fun but as a daily driver I will never go back again.
\nC'mon, who makes a transmission their entire personality? It's ad hominem, we all got our preferences, boo hoo if people find automatics not to your liking.
\nidk man I thought the video was cute
\nBut corny as hell
\nManuel\u2019s have other benefits such as fuel efficiency, less wasted HP In gearing, and a vehicle that\u2019s roughly 35-50 Pounds lighter.
\n\nAlso the ability to skip gears 1-3 or 3-5 for example.
\n\nAll this amounts to a manual providing a greater top end speed than an automatic.
\n\nAnd also a slightly lighter vehicle making it superior in a race.
\n\nOther notable features include because of this ability to change gears non consecutively.
\n\nA skilled drive could also hypothetically accelerate faster than an automatic transmission driver.
\n\nAlso I\u2019m an American and picking on low hanging fruit like teens who don\u2019t know much about vehicles.
\n\nIs pretty shameful typical European superiority complex.
\n\nBtw us Americans are sick of bailing you out when you get in over your head with these stup!d wars.
\n\nMaybe take a look in the mirror before you make fun of some children on the internet\u2026
\n\n\n\n\n\nAlso the ability to skip gears 1-3 or 3-5 for example.
Some modern autos do this.
\nwe are at the point now where especially in high end automatic cars, they will be faster than even the fastest boy racer manuelle shifter
\nPlus most modern automatics are more efficient than manuals, because they also use clutches but they can always shift at the point that\u2019s most efficient or best for the engine.
\nJust read up Memorandum of Budapest, please
\nshift it shift it iykyk
\nTo all the people here sailing that automatic is better. Tell me you can't drive without telling me.