CMV: Being Anti-Zionist does not make you an antisemite.
Change my View
Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are not the same thing.
About a week ago I was called a Nazi by someone here on Reddit for stating that conflating antisemitism and anti-Zionism is a dangerous mistake. So, being the open minded person that I am I did some reading about Zionism and how it began.
My interpretation of history places Zionism about half a century ahead of the nationalistic ideals that Adolf Hitler adopted and used to commit actual genocide. To me, the Zionists did ethnic cleansing before the Nazis even though a great deal of it was done through aggressive buyouts of Arab owned land.
The ideas of establishing a Jewish ethno-state seemed to be removed from the spiritual principles that the religion teaches, even going so far as label the diaspora as “parasites”. In my eyes, the Zionist movement is much like the one brought about by Adolf Hitler’s exploitation of socialist ideals as far as industry goes. These nationalistic ideas are dangerous and can be seen now in the USA in the form of Christian Nationalism which is apparently teaming up with Zionism to create a new kind of fascism.
Most of the people I’ve tried to talk to about this automatically assume that I am a Nazi apologist without even knowing the differences between anti-Zionism and antisemitism. The mechanics that were employed by Zionists are eerily similar to the mechanics that were used by the Nazis a mere forty to fifty years later.
I would like to engage with as many minds that I can on this topic so I can refine my understanding of this issue. I am open to any interpretation that challenges my views. I know this is an extremely sensitive subject but feel like delineating history removed from personal beliefs is to only way to not allow it to repeat.
Edit: I feel like I need to express my perceived impression on this issue.
Firstly I would like to address my original statements. After learning what I have I feel the label anti Zionist doe not suit my sentiments clearly. I am opposed to the idea that zealous nationality is a good reason to create an ethnic state by going to the lengths that the Israeli government did to cleanse the land of Arabs. Bad actors on both sides have committed atrocities in a drawn out battle that I honestly do not think can be won until the strangle hold Abrahamic religions have on the planet is deconstructed. This is a moral issue, not religious, not racial, not coming from a place of prejudice. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and quite frankly I hope that there is peace in the region because thee love and praise the same God. Religious Nationalism is turning us against each other in a never ending futile war over who’s god is right. Any belief system that justifies the killing of those who don’t believe in your flavor of righteousness and worthiness is a flawed belief system. I am not anti Zionist, I am not anti semetic, I am anti ego. The worst sort of vertical relationship is the one between a punishing god and it’s subjects. I have no real reason to hate anybody, but I strongly opposed those in power using it to enrich themselves and the other 99%. Call me what you will, I know where I stand. Where do you?