CMV: The American Left and Democratic party are fractured beyond repair.

As of now, I feel politically homeless, less in terms of party, but more in terms of ideology and political approach to things. Moderates blame progressives for lacking any strategic caution, policy nuance, and long term coalition building. Progressives blame moderates for doing too little when in power and being tied too much with corporate consultants and donations. There is little sense of working together here. In my honest opinion, both moderate & progressive voters and politicians alike refuse to address their own shortcomings, and refuse to acknowledge the strengths that the opposing faction has. Each faction seems to want to feel and show how they are somehow intellectually and morally superior than the other when the truth is that they both have good and bad ideas. I am simply sick and tired of the infighting! At the end of the day, neither of these factions can function properly and win elections at the federal, state, and local levels without each other's collaboration. Instead of going on a circular firing spree like how we are seeing now after the 2024 election and have been seeing since the 2016 election, both moderates and progressives should take the best ideas from both of their groups. Why not? Why not choose to coexist and coopt each other's strategies? What's the harm in doing that? What's the harm in moderate Democrat voters/politicians acknowledging that they need to take a more grassroots and populist approach to campaigning, rhetoric and governance? What's the harm in progressive Democrat voters/politicians acknowledging the nuance in solving our systemic issues, and the importance of carefully building coalitions to build support for their agenda? They do realize that they can chew gum and walk at the same time?

If I had to describe where I am in politics, I would say that I lean progressive when it comes to the need of generating grassroots excitement by adopting populist rhetoric & bold approach to governance. But, I also agree with the moderates that it's also really important to carefully build long term coalitions to garner support for policies that help ordinary Americans, to acquire enough financial resources to help out candidates at the local and state levels too, and to acknowledge the affect online misinformation & algorithms have on the electorate and how to counter that by building up the Left's own online information apparatus to reach Americans.

So, in general, I just feel lost right now. What we are seeing is a void in the Democratic party leadership. Neither faction seems to want to unite the party. I believe that what is needed now is a sort of new kind of approach that has best of both worlds from the Progressives and Moderates, and ends up combining them into one unified and coordinated plan & unique identity. If there was a name/label for this kind of approach or any kind of group that actually adopts the best ideas from both factions, then I would proudly be associated with it; because I don't really consider myself a truly Progressive or Moderate democrat. I'm afraid there probably never will be someone or some group within the Democratic that will actually take the best ideas from both factions in a way that unifies the party based on what I am seeing now.

I am open to insights that argues that this infighting will only be temporary, and/or I am willing to consider any model, political approach, Democratic faction, etc.... whatever out there in the United States that aligns themselves with a strategy that seeks to build bridges between Progressives and Moderates, ultimately uniting them.