“‘God, your life is so much better than mine”

The 28 year old guy with 5 kids said this to me at work this morning while chatting away.

To which I replied “I mean, having the traditional shape of a family has its beauty” cause I didn’t wanna upset him. Though I was thinking “Oh mate, from what you’ve told me, you can’t even imagine”

Then he may or may have not tried to make a move on me even though he just got married two weeks ago! Crossing the line of the banter.

This guy has been looking after kids since he was 18, which breaks my brain. He’s had SUCH a different life than I have.

The sentence “My 12 year old is now old enough to look after herself, so that’s less work. I cannot wait for the rest of them to get that stage so I can live a little. ” also came out of him.

I like this guy, but oh boy.

Shortly after I fucked off in my convertible and shagged my husband in the kitchen before going out for a meal! In honour of all of us!

Cheers, y’all!